The world of entrepreneurs
Setting up and running a business online

Analysing your market
Whether you are starting or taking over a business, it is strongly recommended that you carry out a market study. This allows you to analyse the evolution of your competitors. By evaluating the sector of activity, it is possible to determine the chances and conditions for the success of a project. Thanks to this operation, the entrepreneur is able to make the best choices for his or her future company, right from the start.

Drawing up a business plan
The business plan is a tool for steering a professional project. To be effective, the file must be well written and well presented. Its objective is to include a solid market study, clear financial forecasts and a commercial strategy that is sufficiently realistic to encourage partners, shareholders, investors and franchisors to realise the promising potential of the new project.

Defining the legal form of the business
Among the legal forms for an entrepreneur launching a business alone are the sole proprietorship, the one-person company (SASU or EURL), the EIRL (individual entrepreneur with limited liability). If the company is made up of several partners, there are other legal forms it can take depending on its activity: SAS, SA, SARL, SNC, civil company, SCA and SCS.
Business creation projects

Innovative project
Adventure seekers should check out the many business ideas available to them. There are several business sectors. One can therefore be creative in the creation of the business.

Analysing the viability
of the project
Before investing money in a business project, the entrepreneur should check the viability of a project. The feasibility study involves the analysis of economic, technical, commercial and marketing aspects.

Financing plan
for a project
The drafting of a financing plan is essential for a financial forecast. This operation is based on 2 elements, namely: the initial financing plan and the one which takes into account 3 financial years.

Support & assistance in
setting up a company
There are several aids, support and solutions for setting up a company. The objective of an advisor is to develop the activity by securing its start-up as well as the completion of certain procedures.
Business development
Marketing, strategy, sales, economic intelligence, international trade…, the manager of a company has many tools designed for project development. Among the many means of prospecting available, there are several techniques to be applied to develop the company: targeting the prospect, choosing the mode of prospecting, analysing the returns…

Creating a start-up
To create a start-up, it is not enough to have the right idea. You need to find the right partners, work on your communication, find enough funding…
A start-up is an innovative company with a high growth potential. Start-ups can be found in various sectors of activity such as the Internet, IT, new technologies, agriculture, personal services, biotechnology, etc.
The best way to finance a start-up project is to use your own savings. This alternative presents risks, particularly in the event of a financial emergency. It is also possible to finance a business project by asking for help from friends and family. This loan may be subject to interest rates that are generally lower than those charged by banks.
Many entrepreneurs prefer to use personal loans to raise the funds needed for their new business. Personal loans do not cover all the expenses of starting a business. To validate the release of funds, they mainly study the financial situation of the entrepreneur. Crowdfunding or participatory financing and the Business Angel are also two possible alternatives for financing a business project.